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GoBuid : Track your job site

Construction tracking software

Manage Your Site Crew with One Single Tool

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Manpower management banner showcasing construction workforce management

GoBuid helps you with...


Invite Team Members with Project Roles

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    Open your project in GoBuid
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    Tap the invite button located in the project header
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    Enter the email addresses and roles of the team members
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    Finally, click "Send Invitation" to invite the team members
Invite Team Members with Project Roles feature image

The invited members will receive an email with an invitation to join the project. They can follow the instructions in the email to create their GoBuid accounts and join your project.

Image illustrating The invited members will receive an email with an invitation to join the project


Centralized Member Management

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    Access "Members" in Home
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    Add/remove members at one time
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    Tap a member and manage the project and project roles
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    Managers have full access to the project, while internal members can view all project-related information
Centralized Member Management feature image


Efficient Scheduling and Time Tracking

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    Access the 'Schedule' feature in Home
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    Visualize the project timeline to gain a clear overview of task schedules
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    Track the progress of tasks and regularly update their status as they are completed
Efficient Scheduling and Time Tracking feature image


Digital Timesheet and Productivity Analysis

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    Clock in and out on workdays to accurately record working hours
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    Access the "Timesheet" and "Clock" to manage members and your working hours
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    Submit record and absence requests and await approvals
Digital Timesheet and Productivity Analysis feature image

Use the timesheet template to simplify tracking hours worked . Convert work hours efficiently . Calculate labor costs easily . Avoid time theft by utilizing employee time clocks and clock in apps

Image illustrating Use the timesheet template to simplify tracking hours worked


Streamline Communication and Collaboration

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    Click "Share" to instantly distribute shared files and information to the chosen person you select
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    Team members will receive notifications or access to the shared content based on the sharing settings
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    Team members can access the shared files, updates, or information and collaborate with others in the project
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    Regularly update and share relevant files, updates, and information to keep everyone informed and aligned
Streamline Communication and Collaboration feature image