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GoBuid : Track your job site

Construction tracking software

Track Your Equipments with Precision

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Banner showing equipment management for construction projects

GoBuid helps you with...


Register Your Equipment

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    Access "Equipment" in Home and tap "add"
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    Register your equipment by manually entering the equipment details. This will create a comprehensive inventory of your equipment using an asset tracking system
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    Bulk print out the unique QR code and paste it on each piece of equipment
Register Your Equipment feature image


Instant Visibility for Efficient Tracking

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    Scan the QR code of equipment to check in/out equipment or locate equipment
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    Access "Track" to view each piece of equipment by category icons in the interactive map, utilizing asset tracking software
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    Tap on the icon or search for the equipment name to view the real-time status and location details of your equipment, enhanced by GPS tags
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    To manage equipment availability and allocation, easily change the status in the details section
Instant Visibility for Efficient Tracking feature image


Seamless Integration with Projects

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    Equipment can be automatically linked to projects when checking in or out, ensuring accurate association
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    Access a project and tap the equipment button
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    The "Hour" bar chart visually represents equipment working hours, allowing you to monitor usage and productivity
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    Scrolling down provides additional information, such as check-in/out times, activities engaged, and the total hours for the current day
Seamless Integration with Projects feature image


Efficient Resource Utilization

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    Access the "Equipment" section in Home
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    Click on the specific equipment to see its detailed information, such as equipment type, condition, and associated notes within the computerized maintenance management system software
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    Monitor the working hours of the equipment. You can check the total hours of use or track specific project durations
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    Gain insights for equipment productivity and maintenance planning using a computerized maintenance management system and geofence technology
Efficient Resource Utilization feature image